Project Associate Professor Ryo Ishikawa

Project Associate Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan

Ryo Ishikawa is a Project Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo, Japan, and he is working on large-angle-illumination depth sectioning for 3D STEM imaging and high-spatiotemporal-resolution STEM imaging. He completed his Ph.D. in Materials Science at the University of Tokyo in 2011. Following his postdoctoral position at the University of Tokyo, he moved to Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the USA from 2012 to 2014, and he then joined the University of Tokyo as an Assistant Professor. In 2020, he was appointed to his current position at the University of Tokyo. In addition, he had an adjunct appointment in JST-PRESTO (Intelligent Measurement Analysis) from 2018 to 2022. He received several scientific awards, including Albert Crewe Award from the Microscopy Society of America (2016), Encouragement Prize from The Japanese Society of Microscopy (2018), Honda Memorial Young Research Award (2021), The Young Scientists’ Award from Ministry of Education, Japan (2021), and Kazato Prize (2022).