Partner Journals
Methods in Microscopy
As the official partner journal of APMC13 and CAPSM, Methods in Microscopy invites all conference participants to submit an extended version of their conference contribution to the journal.
50% discount for APMC13
MiM offers a 50% discount on the article processing fees to CAPSM13 participants. Authors just need to mention their conference contribution in the letter to the editor that accompanies the submission.
"Methods in Microscopy" serves as the gateway to pioneering microscopic and nanoscopic techniques. In today's fast-paced scientific landscape, methodological innovation is often underappreciated. Our Open-Access platform is dedicated to the peer-reviewed publication of novel methods and protocols, ensuring they are accessible to a broad audience. By fostering understanding, reproducibility, and collaboration, we aim to accelerate scientific progress and bridge the gap between experts and users alike.
Optical Microscopy
Fluorescence Microscopy
Super-Resolution Microscopy
(Low- and High Voltage) Electron Microscopy
Correlative Microscopy
Multimodal Imaging
Scanning Probe Microscopy
Microscopy combined with Spectroscopy
Image Analysis/Processing
Automated Microscopy Techniques
Software Development
Hardware Development
Workflow and Protocol Development
Article Formats
Research Articles, Review Articles, Letters, Editorials, , Views, News including Conference announcement and Society News
Your Benefits
Open Access publication with a full CC BY-license ensures widest dissemination of your research
High-quality single-blind review process
Accepted papers will be published online first as DOI-citable, forward-linked articles for quickest possible visibility to the scientific community
Founding Editor-in-Chief
Roger Wepf, University of Queensland, Australia
Martin Friedrich, Germany
Publishing Editor
Andreas Thoss, Germany
Editorial Board
Christian Eggeling, University of Jena, Germany
Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Eric Hanssen, University of Melbourne, Australia
Heinrich Hörber, University of Ulm, Germany
Jan Huisken, University of Göttingen, Germany
Vladislav Krzyzanek, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic
Phillipe Leclere, University of Mons, Belgium
Andrew Leis, University of Melbourne, Australia
Kota Miura, Bioimage Analysis & Research, Okayama, Japan
Wiebke Möbius, MPI Göttingen, Germany
Jens Rietdorf, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Francesco Simone Ruggeri, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Paula Sampaio, University of Porto, Portugal
Owen Schwartz, NIAID-NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Erin Tranfield, VIB Bio Imaging Core Ghent, Belgium
Marc van Zandvoort, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Andreas Walter, University of Aalen, Germany
Ralf Wolleschensky, Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Jena, Germany
Ruobing Zhang, Chinese Academy of Science, Suzhou, China

Dendrobium speciosum. David Collings, Research School of Biology, Australian National University

Red silky oak flower bud (Grevillea banksii). Adam Vogrin, RMIT

Components of stem cell nuceli. Esther Miriiklis, Monash University