The current CAPSM committee members are:
Embedded in Asian & Australian Indigenous Culture and Tradition and hosted by AMMS, the Committee of Asia Pacific Societies for Microscopy (CAPSM) will present the 13th Asia Pacific Microscopy Congress (APMC13) to establish a balanced program of light, ion, and electron microscopy and imaging spectroscopy in physical, material and life sciences. Microscopists, scientists, manufacturers, and suppliers will come together to share new instrumentations, techniques, workflows, applications, and technologies.
In addition to celebrating indigenous cultures and embracing scientific advancements, the APMC specialises in recognising and harnessing our scientific community's excellent analytical capabilities and technology developments. We acknowledge that these analytical skills are urgently needed to drive the development and implementation of green technologies in the current 6th green industry wave and transition to a more sustainable economy.
Through cutting-edge research and innovative methodologies, our scientific experts have the power to guide or unlock the potential of sustainable solutions. By leveraging their analytical abilities, we can overcome challenges, optimize processes, create new materials, and accelerate the integration of greener technologies into our societies.
During the conference, we will delve into insightful discussions on the latest advancements in analytical tools and methodologies tailored to support the transition to a cyclic green (bio-) economy. We will explore how data-driven approaches can inform decision-making, refine green technologies, and create a more efficient, liveable, and eco-friendly future.
By combining the strengths of indigenous knowledge and care for the country, scientific expertise, and analytical capabilities, we can forge a powerful alliance to tackle global environmental issues beyond political and economic challenges and create a world where communities build connections, communicate, and help to create a sustainable future between humanity and nature.
Join us at this Asian Pacific Microscopy gathering to connect, communicate, cooperate, create, and change how we do things towards a convergence of natural processes, cultural heritage, scientific inquiry, and analytical brilliance to pursue a sustainable cyclic green (bio) economy.
Together, we can unlock a greener, more prosperous future for generations to come.
We eagerly await your participation and the contributions of your exceptional analytical and imaging capabilities.
If your country or society is interested to join CAPSM please contact CAPSM secretary:
Prof. Eric Hanssen
The University of Melbourne
E-mail: ehanssen@unimelb.edu.au
History of CAPSM: https://www.capsm.org/history/
Did you know that more than 60% of the world population lives in the Asia Pacific Area in 57 sovereign states (49 members of the United Nations)