Student Resources


Each CAPSM society provide their own bursaries to help delegates make attending APMC 2025 more affordable. Should you wish to be considered for a bursary, please select the society from the dropdown menu and follow the instructions for applying.

Low Social Economic CAPSM Member States

We are excited to announce the availability of additional financial support for attendees facing significant socioeconomic hardships at the 13th Asia Pacific Microscopy Congress (APMC13), which will be held in Brisbane from February 2-7, 2025.

We are offering an extra $250 bursary to support up to 25 individuals who are presenting an abstract at the conference. This additional bursary is intended to help cover costs related to registration, travel, or accommodation. 

To qualify for this bursary, applicants must:

1. Be a presenting author of a talk or poster at APMC13.

2. Submit a compelling application demonstrating both the scientific quality of their abstract and financial need.

The selection committee will prioritize research higher degree students (RHDS), early career researchers (ECR) (within 5 years of completing their PhD), and junior technical staff (JTS) (within 5 years of starting their role) who have indicated limited access to other funding sources. The committee will also ensure a fair selection process that considers gender, ethnicity, and affiliation with CAPSM member countries.

Application deadline is September 28, 2024
Successful Applicants will be notified on October 4, 2024.

Letter Template for Requesting Funding from your Institution/Workplace/Local Society

If you are a student looking for financial assistance from your institution, workplace or local society to assist with travel and other expenses generated by attending APMC 2025, we have created a letter requesting financial support that can be used. Please click on the button below to access the template.

Contact details for all CAPSM member societies are listed on the right-hand side.

CAPSM Member Society Contact Details