Program Outline

Here we give you a brief look at the conference week schedule and potential timeslots to host Exhibitions, Workshop and Sessions – so to say a preliminary “week scaffold program” – we are open for ideas and suggestions – please contact Aileen Lozie

We work on a balanced programme of light, ion and electron microscopy and imaging spectroscopy in physical, material and life sciences – microscopist, scientist, manufacturers, and suppliers will come together to share new instrumentation, techniques, workflows, applications and technology.

This program is subject to change. Current as of 10 September 2024

Program Themes

  • Physical Sciences

    PS01 - Exploring the Depths: Advances in 3D Microscopy

    PS02 - Atomic Resolution Microscopy & Microanalysis

    PS03 - Diffraction & 4D STEM and Differential phase contrast

    PS04 - In Situ & Time Resolved Microscopy & Spectroscopy

    PS05 - Surface Science

    PS06 - Synchroton Speectromicroscopists in the Asia-Pacific Region

    PS07 - Electron wave manipulation by classical and quantum meaens

    PS08 - Open Source (public license) tools in microscopy

    PS09 - Phase Retrieval: Recent progress in ptychography, holography DPC and other methods

  • Bio/Life Sciences

    BLS01 - Volume imaging with light, electrons and x-rays

    BLS02 - Sample Challenges & Preparation Methods

    BLS03 - Breakthroughs in CryoEM

    BLS04 - Multimodal & Correlative Imaging

    BLS05 - Super-Resolution & Single Molecule Optical Microscopy

    BLS06 - Dynamic & Time Resolve Microscopy & Spectroscopy

    BLS07 - Diseases & Diagnosis & Treatments

    BLS08 - In situ cryo EM (cryoET)

    BLS09 - Spacial Omics/Multiplex LM

    BLS10 - Expansion Microscopy

    BLS11 - Protein Crystallography

    BLS12 - Challenges and Preparation Methods for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) in Bio/Life Sciences Samples

    BLS13 - Disease and Intervention Pathobiology

    BLS14 - Light sheet microscopy

    BLS15 - Single Molecule Imaging and Spectroscopy

    BLS16 - Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Single-Molecule in live cells

  • Material Sciences

    MS01 - Minerals, Mineralogy & Metallurgy

    MS02 - Nano-materials & Nano-structures

    MS03 -Materials for “Green” Energy Future (recycling, sustainable materials)

    MS04 - Materials for Electronics & Computing (semiconductors, magnetics, quantum)

    MS05 - Correlative Mass Spectrometry in Geosciences and beyond

    MS06 - Energy Materials (batteries, solar...)

    MS07 - Soft Materials and Beam Sensitive Materials

  • Interdisciplinary

    ID01 - Image Analysis, Data Handling, Big Data & AI

    ID02 - Multimodal & Spectroscopy (Raman, FTIR, UV-Vis)

    ID03 - Application of Microanalysis

    ID04 - Mass Spectrometry Imaging

    ID05 - Scanning Probe Microscopy

    ID06 - Energy Filtering/Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy

    ID07 - Phase Contrast TEM/STEM

    ID08 - Cryo-EM and Drug discovery

    ID09 - MicroED/3D-ED

    ID10 - in situ/in-operandi EM/Xray

    ID11 - Emerging New Technologies & Techniques Development

  • General

    G01 - Application of Technology for STEM Engagement

    GS02 - FAIR and shareable data & Data Management

Pre-/Post Conference Workshops

  • Physical Sciences

    PW03 - 4D-STEM Data Analysis and Simulation

  • Bio/Life Sciences

    PW08 - MicroED/Introduction to Three-Dimensional Electron Diffraction 3DED

    PW09 - Biological Sample Preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy Workshop

    PW10 - Ultramicrotomy in Materials Research by Diatome/Helmut Gnaegi

    PW11 - Correlative CryoFIBSEM - Cryo Tomography

    PW20 - Targeting regions of interest in complex biological specimens

  • Material Sciences

    PW06 - Automated mineralology/mineral mapping

    PW07 - Detection and Quantification of Lithium with Electrons and Ions

    PW12 - Combining Techniques for Robust Analytical TEM/STEM

    PW13 - XPS/TofSIMS

  • Interdisciplinary

    PW02 - Vacuum 101

    PW04 - Microscopy Data Management

  • General

    PW01 - IFSM Young/Early Career Scientist Assembly

    PW13 - XPS/TofSIMS